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Investing in home organization is investing in yourself!

We’ve all seen posts related to organizing and mental well-being on social media, but I would like to take it further because it requires significantly more thought than a 15 second clip allows for.  For social media, 15 seconds is appropriate for selling $20 items.  But the services we provide are far more valuable than $20 items and I hope to show you many of the ways that it is an experience.  This isn’t short, but we hope you see this as a comprehensive look at what you are considering doing to invest in yourself. 



When you complain to yourself about your disorganized space, you’re the one complaining and being complained to. On the flip side, when there’s a compliment you’re the one giving the compliment and receiving the compliment.  How does complaining and being complained to affect your mood? How does giving and receiving a compliment affect your mood?  Just because they aren't spoken doesn't mean that they aren't happening all day and they aren't affecting you.  So, one problem is kind of like two problems and one success is kind of like two successes. That's a pretty big emotional swing from one to the other. We see home organization as hugely benefitting the relationship between you and your home. 


What if we offered a service where we could turn two complaints from a spouse or child into two compliments?  Just imagine how much money you'd be throwing at that.  Well, we can't help with that, but CAN help with how you treat YOU.  So, what is it worth to you to look at your home and compliment yourself instead of beating yourself up EVERY DAY? $5/day?  That's $1,800/year. What if it's 5 complaints?  What if it's 10? What if it's 10 things in each room of your home?  How much is that worth to you? 


We will remove annoyances and create moments of happiness.  Every day.  And YOU are the one who gets to tell yourself how well you're doing 20 times a day!  This is why our services are so valuable.  A pretty home is nice.  Complimenting yourself instead of complaining to yourself is priceless.



We TRULY believe this and, in turn, it makes us happy.  We work very hard to provide results at the highest standard possible while working quickly and within budget.  There’s never an ‘easy’ day in our line of work.    


But the reason we show up every day is for that priceless moment when we reveal your newly imagined, perfectly organized space! Together, we all get to experience the true joy and happiness from a room that for so long caused only anxiety and hopelessness.  When a client has ear-to-ear smiles and child-like excitement, so do I. When a client is so overjoyed they come to tears, my tears follow along with them. We strive for tears, but are happy with smiles.  


Have you ever cried at the sight of your lawn?  How much do you spend on that per year?


So, I'll ask you, how much are your most genuine smiles and tears of joy worth to you?


We all spend money on restaurants and vacations for the smiles, but they quickly become memories.  What we do is provide a yearly pass to a prettier and more relaxing version of your home.


If time is your most valuable asset, where do you spend your time? Home, work, and your car are almost everyone's top three and work and home are the same place for many people.  Your car needs to get you where you're going, but I'm betting that you chose to drive whatever you drive over a 1985 station wagon because you want it to be a nice experience because you spend so much time in it.  You might not mind a car with fewer amenities from an Uber ride because you're only going to be in it for minutes.  You might even be someone who pays more for the better Ubers because those minutes ARE important to you.  You enjoy the amenities that your car provides you over the 1985 station wagon and you're willing to pay for them.  


How much more time do you spend in your home? 


If you spent tens of thousands of dollars more to have a nicer driving experience, how much do you think is reasonable to have a nicer living experience?


$1,000/year on lawn care seems to be a minimum and goes much higher for many people. You look at your yard for a minute when you come and go from your house and when you hang out in your yard.  Now, how much time do you spend in your bathroom?  Kitchen? Closet? Every day.  What we do is not only make every space in your house more beautiful, but more functional as well. So, you get the benefits of aesthetic beauty as well as emotional satisfaction. When nothing has a place, anywhere is an acceptable place. When everything has a place, you know where to put everything and you know where to find everything. This is why the SYSTEM is the most important part of what we do.  House cleaners can tidy up, but they won't create systems for you to make keeping up with your home easier when they aren't there.


My husband insisted that I add this, so here are his words. 


"Audra is borderline incapable of not being happy.  She doesn't walk around with a smile on her face all day like a crazy person, but she's either focused on something or smiling while interacting with someone.  She's smiling because she's happy and there is NOTHING fake or forced about it.  In the 10 years we were together while she was in corporate America, she only complained about one person and it was infrequently.  She loved all of her co-workers, bosses, and subordinates.  She doesn't come home and complain about clients.  She comes home and either says "they're so sweet" if she doesn't interact with them a whole lot or "I love them" if an organization question turns into a friendly chat.  Because Audra is the way that she is, she's curated a team of great people to work with.  My final thought is that-whichever hesitations you might have, I will promise you that Audra and her team will work hard, provide great results, and you'll love being around them."


Our motto is: hire us once and let us prove our value to you.  I have NEVER pushed someone to do more than they requested.  In fact, some people find us and want to make a plan for their whole house and, with the exception of move-ins, I tell them that we should concentrate on their one or two most anxiety causing spaces and move forward from there.  We like starting with closets because it's where you start your day and generally has the highest concentration of items which means the most opportunities for chaos.  


5/6 of our clients hire us more than once. The interesting thing is that the overwhelming majority of people who hired us just once hired us to do their garage as the first job.  I think we always do a great job and they're always happy with what we've done, but it doesn't elicit an emotional response like spaces inside your house do. Very few people spend any significant amount time in their garages, so when it's nicer there aren't the excited thoughts of "I can't wait to come get dressed tomorrow!" or "I can't wait to cook a meal in here!", it's "Cool, this won't drive me crazy anymore."  I believe people then think that that will be their reaction if we were to do a closet or something, not realizing that they might spend more time in their closet and bathroom in a day than they will in their garage in a year and that their reaction will be quite different. 


While I wish it was 6/6, it could be like being country or rock'n'roll.  Not everything is for everyone and some people are under different financial constraints than others.  Some people thought it would look nice and they'd give it a try, but it wasn't that impactful for them as individuals for whatever reason. However, 5x more people fell in love and want every space done.  So as i said before, hire us once and let's go from there!

Home Organization Cost

You may be saying to yourself, “I see the value, but why is it so expensive?” ​


There is a good answer to this and I’ll break it down a bit for you by explaining two things: Product and Labor.​


Labor – To put it simply, there isn’t a quick way to pull, categorize, organize, and style hundreds of things.  I've added a table below which is an estimate for what we generally see in a client’s closet.  Is it surprising that there are 40-50 categories and about 600 items? How many items do you think you have in your closet?​


Pull and Categorize-This first phase can go pretty quickly, so let’s say 10 seconds for us to handle each item.  So accounting for around 600 items, that’s about 200 minutes - so, over 3 hours just to pull and sort!  We then determine which categories make the most sense for your items.  Should we combine certain categories based on how you utilize them? Are any categories eliminated after you determine what all stays and leaves the closet?  This part of the process blurs into the organizing phase.  â€‹


Organizing-This is the phase that takes considerably longer because this is when all of the strategy and implementation for your items happens.  Switching out all hangers so they are uniform, the folding of items, space planning for the different categories in your closet, loading shoes on racks, binning small or seasonal items, building any elements or products to organize with, and labeling all of the drawers, shelves, bins and closet rod dividers to set all the systems in place so you can easily maintain them.  Let’s say 30 seconds conservatively for each item.  That’s 10 more hours!  â€‹As I hope the math shows, this isn’t 13 hours of “fair effort”, this is 13 hours of busting our butts…happily. Since we don't have an emotional attachment to any of the items, we're able to fly through it without any bias.  But if YOU do it yourself and go even half as quickly, or get sentimental and spend extra time reminiscing over a lot of your items, it’s easy to see how this could easily become 30-40+ hours for you alone.  This is why many people who have aspirations of doing it themselves start - then stop out of fatigue and/or frustration and never start again…or just never start. ​


There is another huge value proposition for our expertise as professional organizers. We can not only get it done faster and more strategically, but we have the ability to envision your space as something completely different than what it starts as because we can pretty quickly see where there are opportunities to create additional storage and even remove unnecessary elements that aren’t utilizing the space in the best way possible. ​When you have looked at the same closet laid out in the same way for years and years, it makes it very difficult to envision it any other way and you hit a wall on how to make it ‘work’ with all of your items. We are pros and we can reinvent the layout of any space. It will not only look amazing, but will function based on your utilization of each category.  We will discuss your wants and needs during our initial consultation, come up with a plan, and execute that plan so that you finally get what works for YOU. ​


Styling-This is one of my favorite parts of the process. We love creating perfectly organized spaces, but why not take it a step further and make it look stunning at the same time! We want you to fall in love with every space of your home, so this final part of the process creates the ‘wow’ factor in your final results. If you have a favorite pair of heels or beautiful purse or clutch you are proud of, we want to showcase it so you can enjoy seeing it every day. We have a lot of smart tricks up our sleeves to accomplish a beautifully styled space.  So, how would you feel if you felt like you were walking into a chic boutique to put together a strong outfit every single time you walk into your closet?  It’s a pretty great thought, right? ​Here is a spreadsheet for you to make your own estimates on quantities of items you have. 


Closet item estimate.xlsx


​Now for Product.  ​Labor is necessary to do the job because it dictates which products are necessary.  Product is CRUCIAL in creating and maintaining any system.  Some clients tell me they don’t want to spend much on product because of their budget.  I advise them that if money is the issue, it’s far more valuable to wait a month or two so that they can save up for the additional budget. We want to provide 100% satisfaction and it is more important to us that our services maintain their functionality for a long time into the future than it is to get it done before you have the adequate budget available for the right products – only to have it fall apart quickly.  We want our clients to be as happy as possible with our work and we know from years of experience, there is a HUGE decrease in the sustainability of your space without the necessary products. We never want this to be the experience for any of our clients for what works out to be only about 10% of the total job cost.


​**Given that, we never upcharge for product.  We don’t ever want a client to wonder whether we have selfish intentions by suggesting the purchase of a product or products.**​


Functional product we’re insistent upon, but then there are quality and style differences that can make the cost vary widely.  Let's say that we recommend the purchase of bins and there are $5, $20, and $100 bins. We want to be able to tell you that we don't recommend the $5 bins because they aren't good without you wondering if we're trying to make more money off of them.  In addition, if you want the hundred dollar bins, we don't want you talking yourself out of it because we'd end up making hundreds of more dollars with no real difference in services provided.  Finally, since we purchase bins all of the time, we know what's out there.  Clients will tell us "oh yeah, I went ahead and bought these from place X,"  Almost every time we know that there are similar or better items for a lower cost.  So, we're actually trying to save you money.  While we'd love to simply make more money because you spent more money, we've decided that your trust in our recommendations is more valuable to us because we hope it means that we're able to provide the highest level of satisfaction.  â€‹And you'll hire us again, haha!


As a consumer of home services myself, I get so frustrated when I’m being upsold on something where I don’t know if I actually need it, but the "expert" is telling me that I need it. But I KNOW they’re making money off of selling it to me.  So, we will never put our clients in that situation.  When we recommend a product, it’s because we think it will create the best and most sustainable system for the client.  If you want to buy more inexpensive products, great.  If you want to buy expensive products, great.  We only want you to be happy not only on the day we leave, but long after.​


The reason I absolutely LOVE my job is because I’m not a ‘naturally organized’ person.  That might sound weird, but because of that I know a couple things. 

1. I KNOW the value of being organized to a naturally disorganized person. 

2. You get the creativity of a disorganized artsy person with the know how of an OCD person.  It took me a long time to be able to see spaces with the eye that I have now.  I have had many projects where I’m essentially ‘fixing’ or improving upon the organization a client has enlisted from someone not as experienced.  


There’s a reason you’re here right now and not staring at your beautifully organized closet.  I think given enough time, people will get frustrated enough to take action, but what’s more valuable to you: years of frustration escalating to some tipping point which finally makes you do it without all of the product knowledge, vision, and tricks we use everyday OR you call us and make the decision to invest in your own happiness and it’s done in a day or two? We genuinely hope you choose the latter and do something wonderful for yourself.​


Organizing is like everything else in the world, and yes, there are many other organizers out there.  They all have a varying range of results and work ethic. We truly believe we are the best choice out there because we have the talent, knowledge, experience, creativity, and we work so incredibly hard for every single project, regardless of how big or small it is. You can obviously choose other organizers and I’m not saying we’re the only good ones that exist.  But what I can tell you is that nearly everyone that has hired us has said that we exceeded expectations.  We’re going to work hard, do a great job, and provide you with results that you will LOVE!​


So, click the box below and let’s talk or text.  I can’t wait to meet you!

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